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Space Stations


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So I just put my first "space station" into orbit. It's nothing impressive, a small 7-Kerbal module; think Salyut rather than ISS. Anyway, this got me wondering, what space stations do you guys have orbiting Kerbin and the other Kerbo-system bodies? Have you used them productively in some way yet?

Pictures encouraged, I'll fetch some of mine momentarily, and if you used any mods let us know which ones.

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I detached the engines for this shot although they still had a full tank of fuel (you can see a couple of them floating away). I used the empty-pod mod and I have a mechjeb module on the back. Otherwise all stock. The command pod proper is the small one, the 3 crew were transferred up from the ground and the kerbal that was on board taken back down (my first successful crew transfer).

Edit: Spoiler tags don't seem to work. Is the code supposed to be


Edited by Person012345
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Orbital Propellant Depot Olympus with two visiting spacecrafts, made with Erkle and ORDA docking mods. You can get it here at:


I've currently got another Olympus in LKO waiting for a re-usable Mun lander to launch. Once that package is ready I plan to setup shop around Mun too.

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Spoiler code is [*spoiler=title goes here]subject here

Ah, thanks.

Orbital Propellant Depot Olympus with two visiting spacecrafts, made with Erkle and ORDA docking mods. You can get it here at:


I've currently got another Olympus in LKO waiting for a re-usable Mun lander to launch. Once that package is ready I plan to setup shop around Mun too.


That's a nice station. Is the module at the top the second visitor?

(Take out the *)
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That's a nice station. Is the module at the top the second visitor?

Yes, it's a bog standard small spacecraft except with mod docking port at the tip.


They really should focus on official docking support, it's the one feature I want more than any other

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I already had a couple of Crewtank-built SpaceHabs (housing crews of 3 Kerbals each) orbiting Kerbin on highly inclined orbits, for mapping purposes... but that was in the early days of 0.16.


In 0.17, my first crewed interplanetary mission actually consisted of a SpaceHab sent in orbit around Eve, with Jeb, Bill & Bob aboard the spacecraft. It's basically a capsule extended with an inflatable module from the BACE pack, thus offering a much larger habitable space for this long-duration mission:


I'm currently working on designing a nice, small Kerbin space station (crew of 3-5) that can be put in orbit in one launch. I use Nutt007's edited BACE pack for this purpose, and crew rotations are planned (I trained my orbital rendezvous skills with that in mind). No pictures yet, though.

But I think the next Station I'll put in orbit is my Munar Reconnaissance Platform: again using Nutt's edited BACE parts and the Probododyne pack, I built what basically is a space telescope with hab module attached to it; it'll orbit the Mün at 4-5km altitudes, and the telescope will allow to zoom in the terrain I'll fly over, in search for artifacts and interesting landing sites. No screenies yet, but...


So yeah, to sum it up, I like to build small, one-piece mini space stations (maybe they'll get bigger when docking gets correctly implemented), and do crew rotations missions. And sometimes they have a really nice use, like this Reconnaissace Platform I'm working on!

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Update on my previous post: the Munar Reconnaissance Platform I talked about is now in Low Munar Orbit, with its first crew of 3 Kerbalnauts!


•Functional telescope, possible using the fixed camera mod and Probododyne kit:


EDIT to new posters: read carefully the OP; we're supposed to talk about our stations, how they're built, what we use them for, etc..., not just post screenshots.

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Where did you get the solar and radiator panels?

the Kosmos space stations pack that was released when 15.2 was out

the updated pack is supposed to come any day now but they're having upload problems

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