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Fan of pixelated UI style.


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I saw quite a few opinions from people that don't like pixelated UI style, so I just wanted to counterweight that and say - I, personaly, really like it.

Note: this post is about how UI LOOKS. How it WORKS - is different story.

Flight UI - AMAZING.
This dark blue with black reminds me of expanse-style millitary grade UI :). Color scheme there is just perfect.
The only minor nitpick about it - this pixelated fonts should be monowidth. "1" is not as wide as "9", so numbers jump around in, for example, fuel UI in staging.
Also, rounding for that fuel UI should be consistent. If one frame it's "2.21" tons of fuel, and the next is "2.2", is one digit less, so again - numbers jump around.

Pause menu styilized for code with syntax highlighting - I really like it!

VAB UI, however, is bad, wich is weird, because you guys show an amazing screenshots for it before release. Like, look at this screen from pre alpha, and compare it to what we get in EA.



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