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Control surfaces reappear on wings that had them disabled when editing an attached wing.


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When creating a craft when you attach one wing  to another wing, if you turn off the control surfaces of the inner wing, and then modify the extended wings in any way, the control surfaces of the inner wing reappear, these re-appeared control surfaces persist to launch, and seem permanent, unlike some other bugs which are back to normal when you reload the VAB


Wing without control surface;



Wing with control surface after editing the attached wing;



I only personally tested this on the small wings, I am not sure if other wings do it, but to repeat it all you need to do is:


Place a small wing.

Turn off control surface.

Place another small wing attached to the first. 

Open the wing editor and edit the second wing in any way.


I did test if editing a wing attached to a wing, which is then attached to the root wing would cause the root wing to reset, and it did not.


This bug only causes disabled control surfaces to enable, if you customize the shape of the control surfaces it stays saved, it doesn't reset to default. If you disable the control surface after customizing and then repeat the bug, the customized control surface will appear.


I posted this on the feedback channel of discord under the title "Wing control surfaces reappear after being disabled if you edit a connected wing"

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