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Orbital velocity zero'd on one vessel when undocking.


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Built an apollo style orbiter and lander for Mun.

Had the crafts docked and in orbit of Mun. There was a stack decouple stuck between the docking ports because I was daft and didnt put the stack separator on to attach the lander to the cargo bay.

When I decoupled the lander close to the periapsis it lost all of its orbital velocity and dropped straight down to the mun.

I mean it was an easy landing but if landing wasn't my intention that may have been somewhat of a nuisance. 


Orbital information:

AP: 55km 

PE: 18km


  • Small Docking ports directly between MK1 Lander can and the Gumball (3 seat command module)
  • Stack Decoupler between the docking ports
  • Separation by clicking on the lander docking port and clicking decoupler
  • Landers orbital velocity was zerod
  • orbiter got into a weird wobly state with an off centre camera (all of the parts are wobbling around like crazy as is the kerbal inside) 

Still have the save if need more infomation.

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