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Kerbal can end up very far from vessel and on different trajectory when going on EVA


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I sent a Kerbal on EVA and ended up quite far away (I can't figure out how to find distance to target). Well outside of visual range anyways, likely 10's or 100's of km away. Kerbal and original vessel have the same velocity, but different (though similar) trajectories. Notable is that this is a vessel launched from Kerbin orbit on a trip out of the Kerbolar system, with a pass through the Jool system, so are 423d MET and several SOI changes. Haven't had this issue in Kerbin orbit or on the Mun.


Windows 10
RX 6700XT, i7-4790k
KSP 2 v0.1
Mods: Spacewarp, Lazy Orbit, Custom Flags

Edited by Immabed
Added machine/environment details to bug report.
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