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Landing Legs seem to be extremely weak on Eve


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Right now, landing legs seem to be worse than useless when going for an Eve landing. I've seen them blow up at speeds under 3 m/s. Mission report says that a structural failure occurs on the linkage to the leg to the attached part. I've seen this happen with both the medium and large landing legs. Honestly, I'm having more success with landing directly on engines. The legs should be surviving a 3 m/s landing, regardless of the surface gravity or craft mass.

Potential alternate theory for what is happening is that maybe reentry is "deforming" the craft, and maybe the radial decouplers are just breaking? Visually, the craft doesn't seem deformed in any way, so I doubt this, however.

Here's the report: https://imgur.com/a/wwN2hQw

(win10, intel i9-9900k, nvidia rtx 2080 super)

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