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Mun landing then traveling back to Kerbin: trajectory is no longer displayed in


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Two times in a row: doing the travel to the mun, landing, going out of the vessel for a walk, going back in the vessel and launching back for kerbin: the trajectory is no longer displayed in the trajectory/manoeuver view, only the vessel icon is still displayed, making the travel back almost impossible.

I suspect the game to still consider the vessel as "landed", thus no longer calculating/displaying the trajectory.



Edited by YoD
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Had the same, my lander even clipped through the floor at first and started at 300m below ground. But i got the 2 vessels to even meet in orbit without having the lander trajectory anymore, with inclined orbit. was fun.. *cough* and 20 delta-v left^^ but hey, thats the fun of KSP EA, back in part 2.

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