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Staging in the VAB messed up


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I don't know how or what triggered it, but this is happening:



For some reason there is an empty staging bar covering the actual staging. I cannot get it gone, and it is super annoying, because I basically can't really edit the staging.


  • KSP Version: The very first one
  • Operating System and version  (Windows 10, Windows 11): windows 11
  • CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant:
    • rtx 3060, ryzen 5 5600, 16GB
  • Steps to Replicate: I don't know. Probably something with having a rocket, and then building another one.
    The very first moment it had the staging of the other rocket in the emtpy staging bar, then I saved and reloaded the craft, and since then the staging bar is empty.
  • Fixes / Workarounds (if known..): none
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