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[Bugs] some bugs I've found:
Some of the stuff I've found that need to be looked at:

- Wings don't work well. Symmetry doesn't work with wings, and when a wing is placed, they don't stick to the craft. Then, when deleted, it's impossible to spawn a new wing of that type.
- Can't swich between vessels after staging for example, just get the message [observer can't leave active vessel].
- When reverting to the VAB, sometimes the launch button doesnt work, so you have to quit all the way to the main menu. When this is done the workspace isn't saved either sometimes.
- When reverting to the VAB, sometimes the craft gets all mutulated and boosters and rockets are placed in weird places where they're not supposed to be, especially with radialy mounted stuff.
- When EVA, the kerbal can stand on a vehicle that is in freefall. That's kind of weird.
Other notes that are not necessarliy bugs:
- Joints are way to floppy. But one question, do joints really need to be floppy at all? It ruins performance, and I don't think anopne would be sad to see them go. One of the first things new KSP-players learn is to turn on auto- strut anyways. It's not even that realistic, real rockets don't bend 180 degrees when launching. Maybe concider replacing floppy joints with a system where it instead calculates the stress on the structure based on a moment-arm, and if the moment on the joint exceeds the limit, it just snaps or breaks the part, sending the pieces attached flying their marry ways? I imagine this wound save a lot on performance too.
- Stagning-UI is wonky, and really cumbersome. I would really like it if the engines and decouplers and what not actually follow along the mouse when you drag them, so that you can see really clearly where your stage is ending up when you change staging. Right now, you drag a stage, and you get a very slight indication in the form of a line where the stage is going to end up. It just makes staging cumbersome.
- The pixelated text-font makes some stuff hard to read. It's really cool in some places, but it's a bit overused. In the staging UI especially, it would be nice if it was a little clearer and less cluttered.

I like to add the following bugs :

Clouds and shadows getting pixelated.
Water surface texture bug, the solid distance texture remains up close with the dynamic water texture put on top of it.
The odd texture pixelisation when flying an aircraft.
The automatic camera starting to roll and glitch out.

I have yet to find the auto-strut button in KSP2.

Not sure what their IP constraints are in development of KSP2 with the inclusion of KSP1 mods, but a lot of really good additions to the EA version could have been grabbed from the top mods of KSP1. MechJeb2 for instance.

For the pixelation fonts, I get the retro motif that they seem to be going for, however with a game built around hi-res graphics than KSP1 and readability, I'd like to see them clean the font and icons up a bit more.

lso trusses cant be moved up,down,left or right, because I am trying to build satellite relays and I am unable to move the truss to the side to balance the aircraft.

Payload Fairings doesn't have inter-stage node so in other words I cant stack relays on to a payload fairing like inn KSP 1 so you have to take 1 relay sat up at a time

I can switch vessels, but if it’s not still, you will get that message. Like if your lander is wobbling around on ground it will give you that message

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