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main features are broken


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- (infinite fuel on) Manouvrer node doesn't work well. I did all the indicated steps correctly ( green check ) but after that it doesn't tell me anything and fallen to Kerbin, tried to accelarate time and reload save with no success  https://ibb.co/z6DnHwT

- (infinite fuel on) Manouvrer node yellow line doesn't appear at all  https://ibb.co/hLS2JzZ

- (infinite fuel on) after a while the SAS controls don't respond manually with WASD, but in autopilot mode still works
-  when I separate my ship into 2 parts (1 empty container and 1 crewed pod) the camera doesn't center the crewed pod and I can't focus on it anymore (tried reloading save and changing camera mode with V )
- The Ship Tracking Center in the KSC is broken, I can't destroy ships

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