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Parachute gets stuck underground


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While bringing a couple of the boys back from the Mun I took my eyes off the screen and got distracted. By the time I noticed they were just a few hundred feet off the ground and the chutes had not deployed. You're thinking *splat*, right? Well I'd previously turned off crash damage, so no - not quite. I did manage to get them out of warp and get the cutes deployed, but not before they bounced. The chutes caught air on the way back up and I somehow wound up with this...

Camera just above ground level. Look closely, those are taught parachute lines around the base of my craft!


Camera below ground level


He did it...


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Time warping is really buggy right now.
I had a satellite I was trying to put on Minus orbit get in it's core by using the time warp function at a spot of the sub orbital trajectory it was at. The time warp got really fast and didn't stop at the spot or even when  the vessel got close to the moon. The satellite didn't even splashed on the ground, it got through it and stopped at the center of the moon, stuck and all weird but intact.

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