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MajiirKerbalLib 0.2.1 - Engine toggles, high-Isp prioritization, stock part fixes


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  tijaiha said:
Would it be possible to keep the staging indicator and icons on left of screen when in map view? Could be quite handy not having to switch back to normal view to check fuel levels or stages in certain situations.

I'll look into it, but I suspect it's beyond my ability.

  Awaras said:
Can someone please tell me what the 'disable command' option on the engines does exactly?

This disables the individual engine throttling for optimizing fuel efficiency. Generally, you'll want this on. You might want to disable it if you're building a highly asymmetric craft and you find the system hurts vessel stability. Note that clicking this will disable the command system for all engines.

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If you find out it's possible to modify the staging list in some ways, see if you can have it hide the icons for parts that are unaffected by staging (ie: struts, generic structural parts, etc). Trying to make sense of staging when you have a ton of parts can be exasperating, especially since the grouping of parts in the stage list seems to be rather buggy right now (three symmetrically placed RCS thrusters might have two grouped together, with one by itself for some reason).

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  Punk said:
Am I able to edit the .cfg file to turn off the automatic adjustments for ISP? I like the toggle function but I don't think I like the auto thrust thing.

Just right-click an engine and click "Disable Command". This will disable the function for all engines. Later on there will be a more persistent configuration.

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Well i'd like to give a seems-to-be-a-bug report:

When an engine is deactivated and then reactivated, sometimes it just doesn't burn again.

Maybe it's because the engine is not connected to a fuel tank directly? In my case, it is connected to a part which is fuel cross-feedable. I wonder if we forget to check that in the codes. Also, if you'll check this problem, don't forget the fuel pipes which may also cause similar problems.

And, yes the mod is awesome. No longer need to disable fuel flow of multiple fuel tanks. Only need to deactivate the engine itself will save a lot of work & time.

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  NightKev said:
If you find out it's possible to modify the staging list in some ways, see if you can have it hide the icons for parts that are unaffected by staging (ie: struts, generic structural parts, etc). Trying to make sense of staging when you have a ton of parts can be exasperating, especially since the grouping of parts in the stage list seems to be rather buggy right now (three symmetrically placed RCS thrusters might have two grouped together, with one by itself for some reason).

That derp grouping seems to fix itself when you leave the VAB but there's another way to avoid the clutter: simply move all dump parts high up into the later stages, like #1 (not meaning #0 which is the final but it wouldn't matter).

When decoupled parts reach the railing distance of 2km they get removed from the list so when you reach the clutter stage there shouldn't be left much of it.

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