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Soft/Hard Locking the Game?


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While I was building a plane, I made some edits to a previous craft, and I noticed when trying to save none of my previous saves were there. I didn't think much of it as this is early access and it could just be a visual bug and I save anyways. I then try to launch the craft, but the launch button didn't work. I spammed the hell out of it but not even waiting 15 minutes had an effect. I then decided to go back to the menu and relaunch my save. I selected single player from the menu, then my save and hit load. The I immediately encountered another problem as the loading screen just sits there with no menu options. This once again stays on your screen forever. I shut down the game through task manager and relaunched the game hoping it would fix it. I launched the games, no issue, selected my save, no issue, and loaded into my save, with a little issue. I was in the middle of a flight that I had started over three hours ago with plenty of saves after the fact. Was obviously upset but the aircraft wasn't in its final design so I said whatever and tried reverting to the VAB, except the game wouldn't let me. I was flying hundreds of meters over the ground but was still able to recover my vessel? I did that and still couldn't revert to the VAB afterwards. I then was able to go to the KSC and go to the VAB through there. I made changes and then the same issue occurred once again. Is my save completely shot or is this just a bug?


Would really like to keep this save as a relic of my KSP 2 adventures so help would be appreciated!

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