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Rotate the pod is affecting navbal and commands


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  • KSP Version:
  • Operating System and version  (Windows 10, Windows 11): Windows 19
  • Intel i9, RTX 3090 TI
  • Description of the bug.  
    • Rotate the Vessel should not affect rotation on the navbal/commands
    • Observed Behavior: When you load any vehicule (e.g. Kerbal K1), then you rotate only the pod, it has some weird effects on the lauchpad, changing the orientation of the navbal as well as changing the commands
  • Steps to Replicate
    • Go to VAB
    • Load Kerbal K1
    • Rotate only the pod by 180°
    • Go to lauch pad
    • Commands are now inverted as well as camera control and navbal. Rest of the map orientation hasn't changed

Before: https://ibb.co/kHtQ3sB

After: https://ibb.co/ZGLRh0z

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