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[Bug] Selecting any of the messages in the Engineering Report does not take User to the Proper Parts


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Actual Result: When given a warning in the Engineering Report of "Vessel has a command pod and no parachute.  Command Pod may not survive Kerbin Landing", clicking on the  error takes me to the command pods category which has no chutes.

Expected Result:  Clicking the warning should go to the part category that I need to resolve that issue.  In this case 'Utility'

Reproducibility: 100%


This was something I came across while working on a craft I was going to send to Jool.  I opened the Engineering report to try to find some TWR info, and noticed the warning above along with an error about my TWR being less than 1.0.  Mousing over them highlights them, as if they were clickable/actionable.  I clicked on the TWR warning and it took me to engines which could be used to resolve the warning.  I clicked on the parachute warning and was taken to command pods, which has no parts to resolve my issue.

I logged this as a bug instead of a suggestion because the UI takes an action already.  It's just the wrong action.?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett



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