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[Bug] Game Gives You the Option to Delete Stock Workspaces, but it Doesn't Actually Work


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Actual Result:  When in the 'Load Workspaces' screen, there is an option to delete workspace at the bottom of the screen.  This can be used on any workspace, even the stock workspaces.  Using it on stock workspaces results in the command appearing to execute, but the workspace never deleting

Expected Result:  Either allow us to delete the stock vehicles or prevent us from doing it

Reproducibility: 100%


This was something I came across while working on a craft.  I decided to load an older version and found that there were stock vehicles present.  I went in, loaded a few and then saw the delete option at the bottom.  I went and attempted to delete them, and it didn't error out but the craft never left the list.  I went and deleted one of my craft and it did remove it from the list.

It appears you want to prevent us from deleting stock vehicles, so it would great if either that option is not selectable or provides an error when the user attempts to delete a stock vehicle.



Side note, I had zero idea there were stock vehicles anywhere.  So just some general feedback that I don't think you highlight this enough.

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1 hour ago, triste_lune said:



I thinks it's on purpose than the stock ship cannot be deleted, as if you didn't want to see them you can just hide them from the general option page


Correct.  In my post I reference that point.  But if we're not allowed to do something we should be prevented to altogether or be given an error message stating that this action cannot be taken.  Right now it appears to just do nothing.

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