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Kraken attacks during ascent at 21500m altitude


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Hello there, I've had great success getting fairly simple rockets into space, but lately I've been attempting an interplanetary rover mission. The crafts I've been designing are a little more complex, like 60-70 parts. I've built a couple of designs from scratch  for this purpose and had the same issue with both, as well as all the variations of both crafts I tried in an attempt to overcome this.

A jarring event happens at 21500m of altitude. Ascent profile and speed do not effect it. It happens every single time at the same altitude. Various structural linkages instantly fail and the ship is destroyed. I have attempted to overcome this by strutting all the linkages that fail. This does prevent the ship from being destroyed, but the visible jarring effect happens, and even if the ship survives intact, I lose steering control and the camera becomes unable to focus on my ship, instead focusing on a point in space. It seems to be a flight ending event regardless whether the craft is damaged.

Edited by Sp1f
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I had the same problem. It doesn't destroy my rocket, but it sends it into a violent rotation movement that completely ruins my ascent profile. I can recover from it after a few spins, but it annoys the heck out of me.

A member in a Twitch chat mentioned it could be related to physicsless parts. Apparently, if two physicsless parts are attached to one another, the transition between the two atmospheric levels at 21500 meter altitude creates a kraken force at that point - for me it's probably inside the fairing, which would explain the tumbling motion it sends my rocket into.  I haven't yet figured out which two parts are the essential ones, so I cannot completely confirm the claim. For me it could be an antenna attached to a truss segment.


Edit: It definitely was the antenna connected to a truss segment. I attached the antennas directly to the outer hull of the craft and now the kraken strike doesn't happen anymore.

Edited by Tjordas
Tried out solution
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  • KSP Version -
  • Operating System and version  - Windows 11
  • CPU and GPU models - Intel core i5 12600KF / NVIDIA GeFroce RTX 3080
  • Description of the bug.  
    • Expected Behavior - Ship progresses to orbit
    • Observed Behavior - Ship experiences loss of control and structural failure at approximately 21km
  • Steps to Replicate - Create ship with ST Micro-4, Communotrons, solar panels etc, launch and fly past 21km
  • Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) Remove impacted parts
  • A list of ALL mods - None
  • Other Notes:

I'm also experiencing this bug consistently.  Happens at the quoted altitude and renders the craft inoperable and spinning uncontrollably.  I've attached a couple of images of the flight report showing which parts are experiencing structural failure.  Hopefully it helps:



Edit - I just removed the fairing from the above craft and re-launched.  The same thing happened at the same altitude (which I now belive to be between 21,000m and 21.117m), but without the structural failures.  Image:




Edited by Speeding Mullet
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