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[Bug] When entering VAB it will deload the KSC and load the VAB but will also load a random ship that I have in space while building


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So when playing KSP 2 I will test ships and have to go in and out of the VAB but when doing so sometimes it will load the VAB but also unload the KSC and put the VAB in a night state but I can still see and work. It will also load in a ship that I have in space and act like I'm there. In this state I cannot save my ship and if I try to exit to the launchpad, the button doesn't work and in the cases it does, it crashes the game while also having the UI still functional in the background but impossible to use. The only workaround I have found is to hope you didn't make a lot of progress on your ship and exit to the KSC and reenter the VAB to redo anything you did.

A full workaround ( I think) is to go to the KSC instead of the VAB when recovering a flight.


My specs are:

AMD Ryzen 5 3600

RTX 3060

2 sticks of 8gb of ram (16gb total)

PS: No mods or anything to change the games functionality, I also run the game at max settings at 1920x1080 if that's relevant

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