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Maneuver node arrow drag also engages camera view commands.


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Aside from the game NOT adopting the OS preferences (specifically left-handed mouse controls vs right-handed mouse controls), one of the difficulties I encountered is that when creating a maneuver node and trying to adjust the AP/PE by dragging the Prograde/Retrograde arrows, the camera view goes all wacky. It appears that drag arrow function and the camera view are both active inputs at the same time. Anyone else?

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Had the same issue. I'm left handed and I use my mouse with my left hand but keep the primary mouse button as the left one. I was suprised that in windows and every other program my mouse is fine, left click is left click and right click is right click. But in my windows mouse settings my primary mouse button was the right one. turns out in the mouse software (I use a corsair mouse) the setting was left handed. I switched it in the mouse software to right handed, switched the primary mouse button to left again in windows and that fixed everything in ksp for me considering mouse issues.

Hope that can help you.

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1 hour ago, aka_Mr.nice said:

Had the same issue. I'm left handed and I use my mouse with my left hand but keep the primary mouse button as the left one. I was suprised that in windows and every other program my mouse is fine, left click is left click and right click is right click. But in my windows mouse settings my primary mouse button was the right one. turns out in the mouse software (I use a corsair mouse) the setting was left handed. I switched it in the mouse software to right handed, switched the primary mouse button to left again in windows and that fixed everything in ksp for me considering mouse issues.

Hope that can help you.

Thanks for the reply. I am also using a Corsair mouse. Did you mean that you (re)switched the left/right settings in the windows mouse settings panel? I can't seem to find a setting like that in the iCUE software?? Am I'm missing something?

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ok here I made a screenshot how to get to the options in the iCUE software.



In my case the left handed mode was on. So i turned it off and then my mouse was the other way around in windows aswell. So I go to the mouse configuration in windows and set the primary mouse button to left. That worked for me.

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Thank you for posting that information! I checked my settings and apparently that's not an option with the IronClaw mouse in iCUE.

Bummer, Dude!

I'm still looking through the manual and searching online, but it looks like I'm stuck for now. Luckily, the game IS playable and as features are added and mods are written I have no doubt things will improve. Thanks again!


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I also have this same issue, thankfully I am not the only one!

I do not use a Corsair mouse, I have a Steel Series Rival 3, after some digging this appears to be related to Windows mouse settings not being recognised (as somebody else mentioned); reversing the setting in Windows splits the bindings so they, well, work.

This was on Windows 11, build 22H2; not sure whether this is a Windows 11 bug. 

Kind of an annoying bug, because while I can use the mouse right handed, I haven't done in over a decade; which means playing a good chunk of the game is next to impossible for me. :(

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