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Losing vessel control after reverting to launch


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Just to start with, this is not the vessel is in docking mode issue.

I just built a pretty simple craft, a control pod with Valentina on it on top of an ion stage, followed by a poodle stage, followed by a mammooth stage. The vessel launches fine, but on my first flight the Kraken hit after pausing and unpausing in atmosphere (also a bug, but not the one this report is about).

When reverting to launch I got a warning message that I don't have control of the vessel since it is lacking a resource for my control pod. The vessel still had Valentina in it and had electric charge, so I have no clue what that was about. Still, when launching the vessel I was indeed not able to steer the craft.

Reverting to VAB and re-launching fixed the issue, but it was reproducible, e.g. if I reverted the vessel to launch the problem occurred every time.

Edited by MarcAbaddon
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