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Getting close to the Mun appears to summon the Kraken (Physics, Orbit lines, and Staging all break)

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I was attempting to fly a mission to land on the Mun. All was well as I got within the Mun's sphere of influence and circularized in high orbit. But I wanted to be in a closer orbit before landing. So I created a tighter orbit and circularized at 20,000m. At that point my ship randomly started spinning. :huh: 

Still I had just run out of fuel on my intermediary stage and I'd had issues before where engines would sometimes do weird things when they ran out of fuel so I staged and attempted to continue with my mission. At which point all of the orbit lines vanished and the ship stopped responding to my controls. 

I loaded a quick save I made at before circulating my orbit, at the bottom of my periapsis at 20,000m. Now before even beginning the burn my ship was spinning. I tried staging without burning that engine and this time the engine and tanks disengaged, but the wings though disembodied from the lower fuel tank they had been attached to, remained glued to my remaining ship.

I tried multiple times to land on the Mun from that save point, accepting that I wouldn't have orbital lines n' such but every time I exited time warp my ship would begin spinning in a different direction. Not even a random direction, but opposite of the direction it had been spinning when I started time acceleration. 

I loaded a save from before I entered low orbit, when I was still at 500,000m-1,000,00m above the Mun in orbit, and confirmed that my stages worked fine at that altitude. Then reloaded the save and burned to low orbit and tried staging again. At first it appeared to work as I was able to circularize my orbit and begin my next burn to pick a landing zone,  begin my burn, stage the engine when it ran out of fuel, and continue burning. But after a few seconds the ship began inexplicably spinning, and the camera began drifting away from the ship.

I should note that it is at this same altitude, where bugs start occurring, that the somewhat ominous drums music starts playing. I assume that is part of the ritual to summon the Kraken.

Edited by CiberX15
Fixing grammar mistakes.
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Issue seems to mostly be caused by staging. I was able to successfully land on the Mun by doing all my maneuvers in high orbit to place my landing zone where I wanted it, then staged everything but my final lander in high orbit, and land with that. I haven't attempted an accent yet but so far everything seems stable so I am optimistic about getting Jeb back home.

[Edit] I did make it back home from this mission. The Kraken laid dormant for the remainder of the mission, so long as I did all my staging in larger orbits. And yes, my profile picture did originate from this very mission, my first successful Mun landing in KSP 2 :D

Edited by CiberX15
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