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SAS essentially useless


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it doesn't matter how many reaction wheels i put on or control surfaces while in atmosphere, SAS just goes haywire. from not even able to fly straight in a jet to constantly flipping in orbit with SAS set to prograde, it makes absolutely no sense how something as crucial as mobility mechanics like this were overlooked by the team of testers prior to launch

Edited by FatDABZ4DAYz
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SAS seems to respond to even the smallest deltas in pitch/yaw with full force application of a flight surface, vector or gyros. IDK how it worked in KSP1 because I didn't play it much but in this case its pretty noticeable because like the guy said above, if you build a rocket a particular way it will act like it is having a seizure with SAS going berzerk until the ship rips itself apart. The same thing can even happen in deep space and it seems like it'll happen particularly often when Timewarp is used.

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