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[0.17]interior tutorial + download example project


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Hello! and welkom to this tutarial

i will be talking abaut the internals and how to mod them. if you have any questions about setting things up in unity an the moddeling, please pm me

download project here

first download the package, then dump the folder someware you can find it. then startup unity and go to file/open project. lockate the folder then click select folder. unity restarts end opens the project. in the project tab you should see a scene named cock(from cockpit) click it and it will load the scene.

making the pod from scratch

first open unity whit a black project and the part tools already imported in the game. then import your models and textures.

create 2 new emty game objects. call them interior and exterior. now add the interior models in the interion object and the exterior models in the exterior. select the interior and the exterior and add the part tools componet to them. now orientate the models corectly, with the exterior facing up, and the interior on the z axis. like so:

then add one for evry kerbal empty game object to the internal. these will be the position of the seats. the kerbals themself have no seat.position each gameobject and give them all a name. please noote that the kerbals will face the lockal z axis, so rotate them corectly,to.

you can aad hatches and ladders to the external as yo would do normaly.

to finish it give the "internal" gameobject whit the models in it the layer kerbals on layer 16, you can add the layer by clicking add layer from the dropdown menu. MAKE SURE YOU PUT THE LAYER KERBALS ON LAYER 16!!

now you are done setting it up, only add propper shaders and textures. you can also add lights to decorate the internal.

when you are done give a path to the part tools and click write, as you normaly would.

now go to the folder kps/internals/spaces and make a new folder named after your partname and place the model.mu and its textures into the folder. now create or copy an internal.cfg file.

open it and write the folowing in it:



name = mk1CockpitInternal

then, for each kerbal seat you'r adding add the folowing:



name = InternalSeat

seatTransformName = //name of the gameobject you placed for the seats//

portraitCameraName = //leafe this black if you'r not overriding portrait camera//

allowCrewHelmet = trou/false


using the prop tools

the prop tools the are used to place instruments in the interior. its recommended to first test the interior itself, then add the props.

ok let's start

first go into your unity project and make a new Empty Gameobject. make sure the object is at the center of the scene.

now name it something like proptools(doesnt matter what, just for origination) then add the pop tools from the add component menu/ksp.

then click on "open prop tools" a window should popup. then click on the "locate prop folder"and give the path to C:/(where your ksp folder is/internals/prop. select that folder. now a list of props appear when you choose "spawn"it spawns a orange cube in the dimensions of the object. then move it ware you want it to be. when you placed all the parts you need you can press "write prop config". it creates a file whit for every prop you have this:



name =

position =

rotation =

scale =


then just copy it in the internal.cfg file. now you have something like this:


name = mk1Twinseat



name = InternalSeat

seatTransformName = BackSeat

portraitCameraName = BackCam

allowCrewHelmet = false




name = InternalSeat

seatTransformName = FrontSeat

portraitCameraName = FrontCam

allowCrewHelmet = false




name = InternalCameraSwitch

colliderTransformName =

cameraTransformName =




name = AltimeterThreeHands

position = -0.07041807, 0.1812261, -0.9872135

rotation = 0.3826835, 0, 0, 0.9238796

scale = 1, 1, 1



i hope you guy's find this tutorial helpful, please pm me if you got any further question or you think there is missing something in this tutorial.

Edited by tjitte
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