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SAS does not work when timewarp is used


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Set up:

(I put my craft in space to remove some confounders with strong gravity or aero effects). Put a craft in orbit. Disable SAS. Create any maneuver. Rotate the craft so that it is perpendicular to the heading indicated by the maneuver. Enable SAS w/ Maneuver heading mode at 1x timewarp and observe the craft rotating toward the maneuver heading. Set timewarp to 2x while the craft is still not yet pointed toward the correct heading

Expected result:

SAS will continue to track toward the chosen heading in 2x timewarp

Actual result

SAS will lock in the current direction until timewarp is set back to 1x

Additional observation:

While timewarp is set to 2x, the small green arrows in the navball show that SAS wants to change pitch and yaw, but nothing happens (so long as timewarp is set to >=2x



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