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VAB Unusable?

Go to solution Reply by Mikeike101,

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Not sure if it started with this but here’s what happened right before the glitch started. I had just built a rocket and pressed launch and both my left and right monitors went black and had random red and blue text all over it, it looked a lot like some sort of graphics card crash. That screen stayed for a few seconds then my computer restarted. The next time I launched the game I had the overhead shot of the launch complex just like normal, I then click on the VAB and load into it, it loaded in just fine but I immediately realized that I couldn’t move the camera or build, their is no build UI, the location screen that is normally only visible during the overhead view of the complex is still there, and I can time warp using the meter in the bottom of the screen which is usually only there while flying a craft or inside the tracking station.  I have tried reverting the save, deleting the campaign, deleting all campaigns, game restart, pc restart, and even a fresh instal (not in that order) nothing works. *Side note on a fresh campaign I realized that every other location works fine but the moment I click on the VAB the glitch is permanent and if I click on any other location using the location menu I can hear the different music and background noise as if I’m in the location but the VAB is stuck in front of the screen.  If anyone has had the same issue please respond. Currently my game is unusable!!?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett

Edited by Mikeike101
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