i208khonsu Posted March 4, 2023 Share Posted March 4, 2023 KSP Version Operating System and version (Windows 10, Windows 11) Windows 10 CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant Ryzen 2920X - GTX1080Ti Description of the bug. Expected Behavior In and Out switches in the resource manager are activated on the left mouse down event while the mouse is over the switch. I don't believe mouse up events should have any impact on these buttons. Observed Behavior If you have your cursor over a switch hold the left mouse button down then move your cursor off of the switch and release the mouse button, the switch will be triggered again the next time you trigger the mouse up event while hovering over another button. Steps to Replicate Create a craft with two tanks and empty one of them. Open the resource manager and click the Out switch on the full tank. Then click and hold the mouse button on the In switch of the empty tank and move your mouse cursor off of the switch before releasing the mouse button. Now, click the Start button and you'll observe that the In switch will be deselected when clicking the Start button. Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) Don't be sloppy with your mouse. A list of ALL mods. If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window. None Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible..) The first video is a controlled example where I have two full tanks I'm transferring into an empty tank with the empty tank I deselect the In switches (because they were selected automatically) I then turn them back on, but the lF In switch I click and drag off of. You'll notice that the In switch is highlighted in a darker blue. In this state when I click the Start button the In switch will be de-selected. I repeat this a second time before properly clicking and releasing the mouse button on the third attempt. The second video is where I observed the error were I'm transferring fuel due to a fuel flow error. I almost successfully manage it, except the final Ox Out switch I accidentally click and drag off of which then turns it off for the transfer. (After clicking start my eyes immediately went to my Nav ball as this ship likes to backflip if I don't start a gravity turn.) After returning my focus to the fuel transfer I thought the Ox was taking longer to transfer and didn't figure out what happen until reviewing the video. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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