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Build the most epic looking spacecraft!

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Overall, this is a judging competion. Your goal, make a epic looking spacecraft.

Heres how its judged:

Number of parts: Have 1000 parts? well that scores you 10 points! (100= 1 point)

Look: Especially if you post a picture of what it resembles, you could get 10 points max for making it look good!

EIVA: Is the crewman able to go into Eva and walk around the ship? 1 point for the inital, but will be judged on how much area he can cover.


1 point for kerbin orbital

2 points for mun flyby

3 points for being able to return to kerbin

4 points to be able to get to mun and back (just orbit mun)

5 points for getting to mun AND minmus and back

6 points for LANDING on mun and minimus and back

7 points for getting into interplanetary space and back

8 points for getting to any of the external planets and back

9 points for landing on a planet

10 points for landing on a planet and back


15 points for being able to land on eve and make it back

20 points for being able to land on 2 planets and back

50 points for being able to land on all the planets and get back

These have a rule tho, of that you must not use cheaty mods like antimatter, Instant orbit generaters, .config edits, Or Persistance editing.


#1 StrangeyD

#2 Von Gobble

#3 Bsalis

#4 Whatisthis








Only 1:

Make the best looking! I dont care how you made it, I just want to know that it looks good. But dont steal other peoples crafts!

Edited by The Destroyer
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or just have one really big ship lol, or have one really big mother ship using nervas with smaller landers would work as well, it would be tricky to do tho as every planet capture would have to be an aerocapture>drop lander>orbit>pick up crew in next pass, to save fuel and conserve delta V

Edited by pwnedbyscope
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I dont think you fully appreciate the exponential nature of gaining more Delta-V. for example to move 100 tons a certain distance you'd need a 200 ton stage, and to move 200 tons, you need a 400 ton stage so each stage gets exponentially larger and gets you less Delta-V from it. to get to every planet and back you'd probably need a ship over 50,000 tons (very low estimate), and the largest I've ever seen is in the lower 2000 tons area.

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or just have one really big ship lol, or have one really big mother ship using nervas with smaller landers would work as well, it would be tricky to do tho as every planet capture would have to be an aerocapture>drop lander>orbit>pick up crew in next pass, to save fuel and conserve delta V

Tried =\, Once they get too big they become brick like with their manuverability. Well, atleast they look pretty decent for stock.

Early model;


Next model;


latest model;

kCJL1.png (missing a few panels and the antennae aren't extended)

Sorry about the ENORMOUS pictures. Only have 4 posts when I made this one.

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Here is my attempt at this challenge, hope you guys like it.


SphinX I .. Interplanetary Cruiser of the Kerbal Fleet.


Shot of the Ion Engine and auxillary Engines.


In orbit after its maiden flight to duna.

Next stop Jool.... :)

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Glad you like the ship, I have attached the .craft file to this reply.

The mods i was using are:


Electrical Energy Plugin


Deep Space Mission Pack

and Mechjeb for a little help in getting it off the ground and into a stable orbit, also to save as much fuel as i could.

Enjoy :)

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I have to downsize it, building a bigger one is gonna lag like crazy.

Still capable of housing Kerbals though, 60 of them.

The latest one has an ion engine on it, and looks like a orbital cannon.


I forgot I built this in 0.16. Based off the Bentenmaru



Edited by Whatshtisthis
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