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Incorrect Engineer's Report Warnings


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I'm consistently getting the  "Parts on the vessel consume electricity but there is no way to generate it. Consider adding solar panels." warning on craft that have PB-NUKs. These craft fly just fine, and not only can they generate power day or night, but they can reheat your snacks in the process! The logic that triggers this warning is faulty as it only considers some sources. Adding an FC-01 fuel cell (attached right to the tank!) does not clear the warning, and neither does adding an FCA-06, a KR4-P3, or even an RTG-500. 

Adding an OX-STAT, OX-10C, OX=4L, OX-4W, OX-STAT-XL, SP-10C, SP-4L, SP-4W, SP-XL, or SP-XXL will clear it, of course.

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