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Labradoodle + Large Decoupler- Deshroud but No Separation


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Having an odd bug today. Launching a space station core into orbit, attached a labradoodle for the last orbit-establishing stage, followed by a TD-37 decoupler. When I reached the orbit maneuver node, the stage trigger blew the shroud, but kept the empty fuel tank and mammoth below attached, which caused odd rotations when under the doodle's thrust.

I tried reverting to VAB, detaching and re-placing. Same problem. Reverted and deleted those parts and rebuilt the launch vehicle. Same problem. Reverted and rebuilt with a stack separator instead, and it had the same problem. I dumped that workspace, created a new space, rebuilt the entire vehicle from scratch, and the same bug occurred.

Not certain where the bug is sitting, but I'm going to keep trying to find a way that works!

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Well... couldn't get a configuration that circumvented this bug, *but* if I used two TD-37's in sequence, the second (first triggered) would dump the empty stages, and the first (second triggered) would still stick to the engine, but it's only the ring so the engine can function normally and there are no odd jukes on stabilizing while burning.

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You had the decoupler and the labradoodle in the same stage, didn't you? If so, then this has been solved many times now. Do not combine decouplers and motors. Have the decoupler in one stage, and the motor in the next. You may need to give the stages some time to separate. Once the lower stage is clear of the upper stage you can start your upper stage motor. If you have them in the same stage (which should work, but doesn't), you're inviting a mini kracken to come along and weld the lower stage on. Do not invite the mini kracken unless you're going for a truly Kerbal experience like in the videos where things often go badly for them.

Happy staging!

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