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The Anchor Point is failing my Mission

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Hallo Community
Hallo Developers

I reported this bug already on the official bugreport site, and was told to create a post here too.

I encountered a problem when followed criterias are mached
1. Build a Vessel with a few stages
2. There is only a Unmanned CPU Pod at last / uppermost stage (Satellite)
3. On this Satellite is the biggest Relay Antenna attached
4. The Satellite is attached to a Fairingplate with a unidirectional decoupler (could also be bidirectional)
5. The Fairing ist built on top of the 2nd Stage / Transferstage, this transferstage has no antenna attached.
6. To build the rocket easyer i already built the Fairing and then defined the Anchorpoint at the Fairing / Fairingplate (This one is important)
7. I flew to Eve, but it also can be just interplanetary

What happened then?
Already in orbit of Eve (can be elswhere far from kerbin) i decoupled the satellite from the Transferstage, and then immediatly lost connection from ComNet!

My theory!
The Anchorpoint set to the Fairing and not the Pod confused the game for the fairing to be the chef-Part of the Vessel, so detaching the antenna from this "main part" is going to disconnect the antenna from the vessel!

My Reaction!
Well then just press the "control from here" Button on the CPU Pod itself.
Thats what i did before detaching without success, still disconnect of ComNet.

My Proove!
For my theory to be prooven i just repeated the steps above and built another rocket for outerspace.
And it behaved exactly the same, by detaching the satellite with antenna from the fairing / transferstage it lost connection to ComNet.

So until this is Fixed dont put the Anchorpoint other then on a Pod

Note: i didnt test it with multiple Pods on a single launch.

Greetings and trust in thrust!

Edited by DeGreat
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