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Climb and board craft buttons stopped working


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Only got this once so far so not quite sure what happened. I had just landed on Minmus. I had Bill get out of the craft, then plant a flag. In the middle of planting the flag, time accelerated. I think what happened is I used the "." key while typing the message and that caused time to warp during the flag planting which then screwed up the animation and possibly some of the game logic.

After that, the flag was successfully placed, and I tried to get back into the ship... but couldn't. The indicators saying I could press F to climb the ship or B to board it were visible, but pressing those keys did nothing. Additionally once Bill touched the craft, he became glued to it. It was like he was standing on it but the WASD keys weren't responding.

Saving and loading did not resolve the issue. Nor did going back to the space center and then using the tracking center to take control of Bill again.

To this day, Bill remains stranded on Minmus, at least until I can get another mission up there to save him.

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Still present in version

- Still timewarps while planeting flag as comma and period are active.

- Initially cannot control EVA'd kerbal afteward (workaround use [ and ] to swap controlled vehicle/flag/kerbal; then kerbal can walk around and RCS fly again

- Cannot enter pod, nor climb ladder.

Reload fresh saved not effective.

Close game entirely, load save, can then enter craft normally.

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