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Dry Mass: Am I Missing Something?


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Hello everyone! Long-time player of KSP1 here, so I'm hardly green around the gills. That said, I think I might be missing something here.

So I'm building my first rocket in KSP2, and keeping it simple so I can get the hang of all the new interface and changes. Currently I'm experimenting with the engineer's report, and I'm noticing a bit of a discrepancy.

So currently, my build is:

1. Parachute (xs): 0.100t

2. Cmd pod (s): 0.898t

3. Heat shield (s): 0.300t

4. Decoupler (s): 0.040t

5. FL-T100 (s): 0.563t wet - 0.500t fuel = 0.063t dry

6. LV-909 "Terrier" (s): 0.500t

Consequently, I'm calculating a wet mass of 2.401t by adding everything up, while the engineering tool is giving me a wet mass of 2.50t.

Meanwhile, it's telling me the dry mass is 1.66t. When it's only carrying 0.5t fuel, so the dry mass *should* be 1.901t... but even if I took the game's wet mass of 2.50t, the dry mass should be 2.00t.

Clearly I'm missing something in the way the game calculates dry/wet mass. Does anyone else know what's going on here?


Edited by tarynatnoone
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The engineer's report includes the mass of the kerbal piloting the pod (100 kg), which accounts for the difference in wet mass. So the game is correct.

The dry mass excludes the 500 kg of methalox in the fuel tank (as expected), but it also excludes the mass of the kerbal (100 kg), the monopropellant in the pod (40 kg), and the 200 kg of abaltor. So I think it's not calculating it in a useful way (kerbals might be useful but you can't use them as propellant!).

Edited by dvrabel
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