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Some little UI improvments to make the game clearer for newbies


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Hi Intercept !!
The Patchnote you realised today was awesome, thank you !
I think this game could be the best space simulation/managment game ever made !

So to help you out a little bit, I had some very little UI stuff that could be much User Friendly for newbies. So let's start :

  • Replace the Red Cross of procedural part interfaces with a Green Tick headband at the bottom : You can't place parts on a procedural part (like Wings) while the "move" menu is open, the only way to and it is to click on the very little red cross at the top right. I think it would be much clearer if you replace that with a green tick bandeau (French don't know if it's the right word) at the bottom, just like you did with the bin Icon at the bottom of the Part-Catalogue (but green with a tick lol).
  • Display a small part preview on managers : To make part names in the differents managers (like Part-Manager, Kerbal-M, Ressource-M) less abstract (the names are most of just random letters for most of us), you could place a small part preview (like the Part-Catalogue one at the right of the name).
  • Place a little indicator to tell us the engine type of a engine in the VAB : I truly like how you placed size-indicators (XS, SM, MD, LG and XL) on all the in-game parts, that's really cool. But I think we could see an another one on the engine top-right preview image with its engine type (BS/BT for Boosters like Mammoth, ST for Sustainers like Vector, OB for orbital engine like Poodle, and DP for Deep Space engines like <NOT FOUND>). This would gladly help new-players to understand what engine is needed in what circonstances (if you explain this mechanic to them). would see the indicator in like gradient of blue (light blue for boosters --> Really dark blue for Deep Space engine).

I really hope you'll see al of this, and I wish this game to run on my PC anytime soon :)
Here is a little (and bad) Paint image to explain graphicly what I mean :
https://imgur.com/a/2gaCFc1 the URL don't work so here it is

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