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"Stock Aeris-K2" plane defaults to Launchpad 1.


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Version: KSP2, patch 1 (2023-03-16); Windows 10.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start campaign.
  2. Go to VAB.
  3. Click 'Open' button in top-right corner of screen.
  4. Of the 8 pre-built vehicles shown, select the "Stock Aeris-K2".
  5. The plane opens in the VAB, but the proposed launch site is "Launchpad 1".
  6. Clicking on "Launch" does indeed put the plane on launchpad 1, and due to the railings and lack of on-ramp, it's not possible to launch from there.

Expected behaviour: the default launch site should be "Runway 1" (or 2).

The "Stock RC Sparrow" uncrewed drone, by constrast, defaults to Runway 1.

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