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[v0.] Tree LODs & ground polys UVW tagged as fixed in patchnote but they are not (screenshots)


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Hey there,

this bugrep is for version [v0.]


1. Such small LOD change distance from object(should be _from_camera_) is overkill (underkill?))) - this is just stupid, drawing a 2 polygon bildboard would look better than this - I think, your best bet is _LESS_ trees but with higher draw distance per each LOD level:



2. patchnote for 0.1.1 says "fixed tree LOD issues" but no, the same issue persists, LODs are configured per-type-of-tree, in the next screen see the two trees that definitely demonstarte this:



3. thou the patchnote calls this "problem with normals in shader" - it is actually the actual UVW problem, which (though changed slightly, remains the same in question):


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