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Some wing configurations are much too heavy


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I have built a large spaceplane that cannot take off because in part due to the disproportional weight of the wings.  When I remove the wings the vehicle goes from 146 to 65 tons with a usable jet fuel load compared to removing the wings of the Aeris K2 stock vehicle the weight drops from 7.7 to 7.46.

I think even with Antimatter engines this vehicle is not going to be usable.  As I understand it the fuel weight proportion of an SSTO should be around 99%.  This is not going to cut it.

When the wing thickness is scaled up it seems like the game treats the wing as a solid piece of aluminum.  As we all know the honeycomb shape in the wing is both strong and light.  This is fundamental to flight.

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I wonder if this is related to wings falling off of planes when they spawn in.  If the wings are indeed too heavy, and then you add more stuff to them, they're likely exceeding their weight allowance for the joint which is resulting in the shedding of wings before you can even start going down the runway.


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