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Maple-Zap CO Rockets and Planes (HIRING) TAKING ORDERS


what should we focus on for our new Company  

  1. 1. what should we focus on for our new Company

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Hello and welcome to Maple-Zap CO Rockets and Planes.

Where epic failure is always optional.

We have the best in rockets, planes, and mobile launch pads that money can buy (cheaply)

We here are a truly stock based society (mostly)

Currently we have three catagories of ships

Space planes: Y-10 next post

Rockets: Orbiter 4


and we are always adding more to the fleet.

Our ultimate Aim is simple to help the average Kerbal Space Programs to be ready to launch many new explorers, defenders, colonizers, and orbiters, all across the Kerbol system.


Owners: Zapy97-Maple51

engineers: BomberJV,adenrules


Post pictures,

give us honest answers

and be cheerfully a dalek (just joking I am the only dalek here)

Edited by zapy97
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The first plane in the series.


Range-370km+40km gliding=410km[8000m]



Mods Required:

http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/12384-PLUGIN-PART-0-17-Anatid-Robotics-MuMech-MechJeb-Autopilot-v1-9-3 -Mechjeb

http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/4542-JellyCubes-Advanced-Weapons-R-D-Weapons-and-Other-Miscellanea?highlight=BiCoupler -Mk2 Hull BiCoupler

[Tips:Be gentle when taking off, other wise engines hit the ground.]

Craft File-[ATTACH]34374[/ATTACH]

Edited by maple51
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A rocket that can make it to the mun or minmus, but no interplanetary travel. The rocket doesn't use any SRB's at all.



Range-Mun or Minmus

Completely Stock.

Craft File-[ATTACH]34383[/ATTACH]

Edited by maple51
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  bomberJV said:
Sure I would like to be hired, sounds fun before I make my own company. I build large planes that quickly take off, orbiters, and deep space rockets.
Ok, then if you could show us an example of your work, we might hire you.:)
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Could i be hired? I struggle to come up with ideas that can take off, but whe i do they don't look like they're sup post to fly. Nevertheless I can do the work that i am assigned. Here is the "FlyingDeath II" First one couldn't take off. imgur.com/a/cFjwd

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  Deathcc13 said:
Could i be hired? I struggle to come up with ideas that can take off, but whe i do they don't look like they're sup post to fly. Nevertheless I can do the work that i am assigned. Here is the "FlyingDeath II" First one couldn't take off. imgur.com/a/cFjwd
Link isn't working. But I also struggle with ideas and the Y-10 is my second working plane.
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