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Electrical Consumable Status / Info Incomplete

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The consumables menu in the upper right hand corner of the fight view does not convey the full status of Electrical Charge (and MP, but that'll be a different post). It only provide how much power is stored. It does not show rate of discharge or charge. One has to go into the parts manager and look at each individual Solar panel or other Electrical generators to see the rate of Charge/Discharge. A total sum of discharge/charge rate should be on the summary status display. Then one should be able to click on the EC status bar and get an expanded detailed list of all the electrical sources and consumers and their individual rates. This can help quickly figure out where power issues lie within the vessel's design.


A Status and Sequential Drill Down Menu Structure Layout something like:


There is a discussion about Electrical Units (U and EC/s) and what it really should be for a storage (battery) and generation (Solar Panel, Fuel Cell), here:

 I agree it should be Watts and Watt/sec or Watt-hr, depending on capacity scales.

Edited by LeroyJenkins
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