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[1.12.5] IO Assorted Mods & Configs


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Hi there! I stumbled across your mod through the AVP forum. Looks like its bugged and doesn't look like any future work is going to be done on it. So I've been trying to give yours a go. Anyways I extracted IO-Visuals, IO-Skybox, and IO-EVE-Textures-WithOPMVO to my GameData folder. I also installed EVE Redux through CKAN but I'm not getting some of the visuals I've seen in your thread. For example I'm not getting any volumetric clouds like you posted here:

Nor this very pretty sunflare:

Wondering if you have any suggestions and I'm second guessing if I've installed things right. I also installed AVP 8k textures but not AVP itself. I wasn't sure if I needed to install EVE - Stock Planet Configs but thought if I did that it might conflict with your configs.

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