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kOS Appears to be Interfereing With a Rendezvous?


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I had a weird one today. Contract Mission to "Explore Kerbin" but was actually a rendezvous mission over Kerbin. But that's not the weird part:

Note: both ships had a boot file designated on their scriptable modules.

I launch a satellite with a docking port and a scriptable module so that I can use my kOS script for launch/circularization. Launch goes as planned and once firmly established in a 120km circularized orbit, the kOS prints its little "script complete" message and I close the kOS terminal. I put the satellite in a retrograde attitude and...

I jump back to the VAB and put together a second vehicle - manned this time - but also with a docking port and a scriptable module. Again launch perfectly follows the script (90km orbit this time) and I close the kOS terminal after the "script complete" message appears. Over what seemed like 100 hours later, I finally wrestle my active ship to within sight of the satellite, but the satellite's kOS terminal comes within range of my ship, pops up its terminal on my ship and tries to run its script on my vessel,  and that's when things went to hell in a handbasket. When I approached the satellite to within 1km, the supposedly dormant satellite suddenly performs a full power retrograde burn, making me shoot so far past that by the time I realized what was happening the target was at 50km and opening.

It seems that the satellite kOS reactivated the launch/circularize script when it detected my ship was in range. This would explain the full power retro burn. Was there some setting I missed that allowed the satellite kOS to rise from the dead and run again?

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