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Parts shifting after weapons fired - BD Armory


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I've noticed this for some time now (years), on multiple machines (windows and mac) game version 1.11.x - 1.12.5. When running BD armory, after firing a missile or releasing a bomb, parts on the vessel shift position. The parts that get shifted are different from one vessel to another, but it's always the same parts on a particular vessel that shift. The effect also seems to occur incrementally with the number (possibly mass?) of each item released.  There also seems to be a relationship between the mass of the vessel and the mass of the items dropped, although i'm not 100% on that. In other words, if you have a craft in the 15-20t,  30-70 parts range, and you drop 2 mk-82's, you may not even notice the tiny amount of part shift depending on where it is, but if you drop 3-4t of ordinance from that same vehicle, say 6-8 weapons, now i have things like engine offset on the Y and Z axis, or B9 Procedural wings rotating. Even at that level the effect can be subtle, but it's ALWAYS there. It's similar to flipping  a rover or hard landing a plane and then some of the parts are like "bent" where their position is tweaked, or when you pull a high-g maneuver and the wings/fuselage flex.

It doesn't seem to matter if i use rigid attachment or auto strut, one seems better than the other, i can't remember right now, but it still happens either way. Using actual struts also helps reduce the effect, but IT'S STILL THERE. Turning up the breaking force and breaking torque to 200-300 doesn't help, I know that you can input in MUCH HIGHER values there, but so far it didn't help. Also, it doesn't seem to matter if the weapons are attached to a node or a surface, although that may effect which types of parts get tweaked, because i have noticed that sometimes it seems to be  node attached parts ie-engines that get tweaked, whereas sometimes  ( B9 Wing) it's a surface attached part. Unbreakable joints don't help, and neither does "repair broken parts" from the cheats menu.

Again, ive noticed this for years, but only recently joined ksp forum, and i haven't been able to find anything on this. I can't be the only person to experience this as it's happened across multiple versions of ksp, bdarmory, many, many other mods, different computers etc lol.

I'm hoping this is something relatively simple, like the order/type of attachment, or something that can be edited in .cfg's, but so far nothing seems to stop it. I'm going to do some more testing on the relationship of the part mass and count of the dropped items, because there's seems to be some correlation there, but at this point i'm just shooting into the dark lol.  I mean it's definitely not game breaking for me, but i don't like it lol. It does seem to shift the CoM and CoL of the effected parts accordingly, so if you're running a sketchy or very nearly unstable aircraft, the cumulative effect can be more than  visual. 

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Update: attaching weapons to nodes seems to be the cause, surface attaching them instead seems to be the solution. To be clear, even when attaching a rail to a craft, and then attaching a weapon to the rail's node, this will still cause other node attached parts on the craft to shift slightly by an amount relative to the mass of the released weapon. Sorry if this isn't news to anyone, not sure if this is a known thing, but i couldn't find anything on it, and it's happened to me so much that i figured it can't just be me, or a one off weird bug or something.  I will do more testing as i have time, and I'll post some pictures when i figure out how lol (just haven't looked lol).

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