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[Aerotech Industries] [Hangar] [Patch] I understand Kerbal language now

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Welcome to Aerotech Industries. We have retooled and reopened our production line for KSP2.

*Minmus music begins playing*

*SRF Theme crescendoes*

Starships of the Space Reconaissance Force assembled in their hangar:


Vehicles and starships of AI/SFS assembled in their hangar - cheatbirds on left and stock on right:


New link: http://softwarefreedomsolutions.com

Please answer the captcha with the correct phrase - currently "adam" without the quotes.  I may need to change it eventually.  Then click the KSP 2 link.

Old link: https://github.com/bobbybudnick/SFS-KSP2-Showcase

If you cannot see the pictures of the SRF hangar and AI/SFS hangar below the Youtube link it is because I am not really a high reliability host.  I found that a lot of the picture hosting problems I am having are coming down to the way I use Round Robin DNS for backup.  I have taken measures to improve things in this regard but availability is never going to be perfect with this specific configuration.  Try refreshing or loading a new tab or even restarting your browser for pictures to load.

Keep in mind that many of the cool looking vehicles are "cheatbirds" and have also sometimes been built to favor looking good than anything else.  Also note that no concern with heating was made and heating damage has been disabled in testing.  Enjoy.

Edited by Jason_25
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  • 7 months later...

This is a holiday update.  I changed the name of the type of thread from hangar to preview because I do not yet have time to post vehicles but have updated a number of them.  I think it is fitting though to kind of begin the year of gaming with KSP 2 and end the year of gaming with KSP 2. 

One of the games I was inspired with this year was Mechwarrior 5.  Many times this starship "Leopard" came down from the heavens and saved me and my team.  In the game it is impossible to trade fire with this beast.  When it takes off it flies away at an incredible speed - this one does not.

It is built with around year 2050 technology - my mod - but in the Battletech universe it was probably more like 2700 or so.  Pictured is "Super Leopard" with a fair amount of Delta-V but little room to store multi story robots inside.  With better technology it would be possible to free up some more room inside for mechs and Major Ryana and stuff like that.

I wanted to add that if you had a vehicle with certain engines from an early version of the game then at some point in the summer those vehicles became corrupted and would not load in newer versions of the game.  Fortunately I had a backup of the old version of the game and saved the "spaceframe" without systems of a number of the previous vehicles including the SRF lineage vehicles as in the first post.  The bad news is that I am finding it pretty hard still to develop heavy advanced sci-fi VTOL vehicles.  This current Super Leopard was quite difficult to finish before Christmas.  I found the hard way that the center of gravity had to be very far forward from the center of lift in this design to keep from losing control shortly after takeoff.  Also to get at least 25K DV, VTOL, and controllability - even with my mod for 4000 isp engines with increased thrust - the Super Leopard footprint was practically required.


i have updated the main site link.

I did not post the cheatbirds for the same reasons as before.  I have not packaged my mod in the correct way for distribution.  But mod notes are there and if someone is particularly interested in one I will see what i can do.

If you are looking for pictures of Leopard they are on the main site now to keep from linking so many pictures.

Edited by Jason_25
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