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Modded Asteroid mining resource storage?


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So I've got quite a few mods that add resources of their own, w/ some being only on asteroids (Graviolium, for example), and I was wondering... how do you guys deal with the massive number of the different resource types?

My solution was a mining vessel w/ 16 docking ports and an EL setup that would allow me to autonomously build vessels (Orbital construction docks placed on the mining vessel itself),  and use that to build some vessels with resource storage if needed.
Then, I was planning on transporting those resources to orbital resource depots placed probably between the Mun and Minmus, with each depot being separated by ~1000 km of height.

I was also thinking to store Ore, LFO, monoprop, and other fuels at one depot, metals at another, and other resources (Water, dirt, etc.) at another depot, but I think there might be a better way to do this? Any thoughts?

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5 hours ago, SM_2023 said:

Any thoughts?

I took the tack of building one large repository (Egg), partitioned for some capacity of all the standard resources.  After a calculation converting total volume to total units, I performed some rudimentary craft-file editing to provide a subdivision for all the standard resources.  (Just add the appropriate Resource sections.)

If I had mods supporting additional kinds of resources, I'd continue the same technique to upgrade the storage to contain subdivisions for those additional resources.  It's an all-in-one solution and might or might not be compatible with your trajectory.  (If you want to go this route but need help, I can customize something for you to your spec.)

Good luck with your project.

Edited by Hotel26
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