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Space Hive

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I start with an Obelisk 3.

It is motorized and maneuverable.






add 5 Space Huts







which gives me a Space Cluster






then add a Dumbbell.

"Hey!  Who you calling 'dumb bell'?"






giving us a Space Spoke.




add 2 to 6 of these together...  and you get a Space Hive.



hI426kP.jpgNow add a Hefty Max
including a robo-tug known as Midget Claw.

The Hefty Max is capable of taking an individual Space Hut down
to any location on the Mun.  And relocating or retrieving it when its
mission is complete.

The Midget provides a convenient way to shunt a Space Hut into the Hive.
But any Obelisk can detach, fetch and reattach to accomplish the same task.



It is wise to store bulk fuel in the hub Obelisk but keep the outer units light on fuel...  enough to
maneuver when required but not so much as to weigh down the rotational inertia of the Hive.

Currently there is no storage provided for MP. 

All up, accommodation for 120 busy Kerbees.

Oh yeah: given a shove at 10W up to about 825 m/s, a Space Hut can be sent home (tune PE to 56km), solo.
(But do not forget to activate [8] the DynaWhirl rotators on the Huts before releasing them.)


Stay tuned for publication of the various components of the Space Hive!

Edited by Hotel26
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Annddd...  the Space Hive component craft are all up on KerbalX and linked in the post above.

Please be aware that "Luna" versions are available to those who (now like me) have Mun-surface VAB-rooftop launch-capability!  ( I feel like I just recently, thereby, moved into the 22nd century.  "Hey, it's nice here!".)

Edited by Hotel26
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It's worth saying that building equipment from dirt and sunrays on the Mun is legitimate but the rules -- i.e. "my rules" -- prohibit "teleporting" or otherwise "constructing" Kerbals on the Mun.  They have to be sent from Home with hydrolox and spent rocket gases.  (We like it that way.)

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