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Parachutes do not care about "safe release" anymore


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Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win 10 | CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K | GPU: 2 x NVIDIA 1080 | RAM32 GB



Brand new campaign save file, normal difficulty, no mods installed.

Brand new craft (simple rocket Mk1 command pod, a parachute on top, decoupler, tank, engine, nothing fancy, just "your first rocket").

I launched to a high suborbital flight and decoupled. I activated the parachute stage with "safe release" enabled (has worked previously in KSP 2 and of course in KSP 1). The craft was high up in the atmosphere at around 2100 m/s (and with the new bug that there is no drag it did not slow down much at all) when suddenly the parachute was released (at still > 2000 m/s). Strangely it stayed there for some good 10 seconds (not doing anything to slow the craft) and then ripped off as the speed was of course way too high for deployment.

Repeatable: Yes, I tried several times, always the same result. Parachute deployed at ridiculously high speed and was ripped off.


Edited by Anth12
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