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Does anyone know GoDamit personally?


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The Kerpollo pack is absolutely fantastic. So much hard work went into those models and textures and look awesome. With all the new features that have been added, and with docking at least on the horizon, this pack is begging to be updated and developed.

We can all mess around with stuff on our own for our own personal use, of course. But it would be great to be able to re-open the project for collaborative development (in the NovaPunch model). Does anyone know how to contact GoDamit and KingTramp to ask for permission to use their models to create Kerpollo 2.0?

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Lol GoDammit. He got butthurt over stupid cartoon horses and deleted everything from the forums. Just use them. If he gets mad he can re-join the community. :P

But don't the mods require you to get a permission from the creators in the form of a license, which was the whole reason novapunch was down for a while.

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