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[Tutorial][0.17,Windows] Start KSP with 3 or more screens in fullscreen


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(Tested with KSP 0.17 on Windows 7 Pro 64bit and nVidia GTX460 card, should work with ATI and other cards)

1 : Download SoftTH from Kegetys forum : http://www.kegetys.fi/forum/index.php?topic=2123.0


2 : Open the ZIP, go to your KSP installation directory (Something like : C:\Program Files (x86)\KSP) and extract the d3d9.dll of SoftTH inside.


3 : Start the game. A message will appear and show you the resolution detected by the software. If everything it's ok, click Yes and the software will generate a file config.softconfig which that you can edit to suit your needs (See the SoftTH readme for more informations).

If something is wrong, click No, check your displays configuration (check resolutions and positions) and restart the game.



4 : Go into the game options and change the resolution to the desired one.


5 : Have fun !


Sorry if I made ​​mistakes, I speak French.

Edited by BarbuJack
Small correction of d3d9.dll filename
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Nice! What an awesome plug in.

I have two screens, so I would have to pan my camera a bit.

What I really want it to have one screen on my ship and one in map view at the same time. Do you know if there is a plug-in to do that?

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And it work for a lot of DirectX9 games.


What I really want it to have one screen on my ship and one in map view at the same time. Do you know if there is a plug-in to do that?

No, but i also looking for ! That's will be great.

I've tried to start two KSP instances in same time (using windowed mode in the graphical settings), i've resumed the same profile for the two instances, in one, you go to the tracking station and on the other you control your rocket.

For updating your map in the tracking station, back to kerbal center et reenter to the tracking stations, your ship will appear.

Unfortunately the map in the tracking station doesn't be update at realtime.

I my case, this solution causing freeses and crash, so I don't thing it's a good way to do this.

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