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Fireworks (and other parts) does not have much option and does not works

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When i want to add some fireworks to ksp 1.11 game data, and open the game. the fireworks doesn't have much option, but the part exist, it can be placed like other parts. It just have an kos nametag option and no other option here.


Plss help me :) i just dont know what is wrong here, the part file is fireworks that contain the 2 cfg files (the big and small starshot) and assets

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On 7/5/2023 at 2:46 PM, jimmymcgoochie said:

I wouldn’t be surprised if the underlying code that makes the fireworks, er, work, is only in KSP 1.12 so just transplanting some files into 1.11 wouldn’t work. Why are you doing that?

Because the 1.12 one will always stuck in the loading screen, because of that, i moved the squad file (from 1.12) to the 1.11 gamedata to add the new parts in the game, the parts exist but the fireworks doesnt have any function at all

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