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Fastest Way To Charge A Super Battery On An Earth-like World..


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Scenario: On an alien scifi world like earth they have uranium but also a more exotic metal known as...


Hyperium. Refined Hyperium unlike uranium does not unleash abundant energy unless you first electrically charge it. What it is is a super battery, which can store electical charge equivalent to it's own mass converted into energy. Which means fully charged a kilogram battery would weigh 2 kilograms, and if detonated would explode like a kilogram of antimatter. Charging it takes time as too much electricity at once can overheat it, but that is why it is cooled while charging using liquid helium in massive industrial powerplants. Hyperium has the same melting point as steel.

It occurred to me at first that using solar power in space to charge it would be ideal, but doing so would be a slow process, so slow that you may as well just build up industry on Earth to charge it faster.

Why? Melting point that's why. If you hooked up a million solar panels on the moon to charge a kilogram of hyperium then I fear the electrical charge may overheat it and cause the battery to overheat and detonate.

On earth we have a giant ocean to dump waste heat to, but on the moon water is scarce and putting giant radiator panels on the moon would make the whole process even more costly.

Main Question: What is the fastest way on an Earth-like world to charge the super battery with a melting point of steel?

My guess: Running tons of liquid helium over it while rocketing it out.... basically a stationary industrial rocket for waste heat disposal. That would allow for greater amounts of electrical charge without overheating it.

Instead of steam plumes you have giant stationary rocket plumes shooting into the sky coming out of this powerplant. Cool eh?

Will this cause global warming? I dunno. Maybe if enough powerplants were built, but it is still arguably safer than a nuclear powerplant so long no one intentionally detonates the super batteries.

Thoughts? Would doing it this way enable faster charging times like I am thinking it would?

Also I am unsure if the most optimal heat transfer coolant for the job needs a higher mass or not to transfer the most heat.... basically the difference between a slurry of crushed ice and liquid hydrogen or a slurry of crushed hydrogen ice.

Edited by Spacescifi
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