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FR: Ability to name/group craft parts, for easier fuel transfer.

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Consider this situation: I've just docked my rather complex spaceplane (with 12 small fuel tanks) to my space station. I want to refuel. To do this using the current resource manager, I need to identify the reserve fuel tank(s) of the station, and the tanks of my spaceplane (and it may be just one of many craft currently docked).

It would be helpful if I could group and name tanks. For example, I could have one group called "Station Fuel Reserve", and another group "Spaceplane XR Tanks": I can then just select these two and transfer, without having to individually select every tank on the craft I want to refuel).

I'm not entirely sure of the correct approach to this: one might represent the tanks as a tree, having the root node contain the whole craft, with sub-nodes showing different sub-craft (currently held together via docking ports). This is going to work poorly if the station is build from multiple parts docked together, though. Possibly something 'simple', like being able to do a one-off manual grouping of parts, might be a good approach. Not sure.

Being able to easily distinguish different craft in the Kerbal manager might also be helpful.

Side note: the current system is already better than KSP1 - having to click on each fuel tank and pin its window open in order to refuel something was always a pain.

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I don't know if KSP2 does this, but in KSP1 each part had a vehicle identifier associated with it. It would be nice if by default you could group/filter according to vehicle identifier. This wouldn't allow you to distinguish between "reserve" fuel tanks but either creating manual groupings or just having fewer tanks which have to be individually selected would be useful quality of life improvement.
If not in the base game this might be good for a mod to add this some time later.

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